Saturday, December 28, 2013

BORED with THE Chit Chat

Have you noticed that your repertoire has dwindled in your conversation with your partner? If it isn't about what you're planning to do this weekend, or what happened to your friend Carolyn and her boyfriend, or just moaning about job, latest TV show, subway, money, conversation has become nil? Scary. But is doesn't have to be that way. You MUST, as a couple infuse deep intellectual concepts into your repertoire if you want to keep the stimulation and excitement in your relationship.
Not everyone needs this. Some of you are happy enough, that's fine. But for some couples, at least an individual in the couple feels a yearning for new dialogue, new ways of communicating, infused riveting banter, even if it's once or twice a week. Doesn't have to be constant. There is a need for quiet, mindless time together too. But a balance of both will increase the intimacy and offer another layer of personality that you and your partner can enjoy, get to know, and grow from.
Edmund Husserl 19th century philosopher asks, " Are you willing to sacrifice the dross of conjecture for the pure gold of essential knowledge?"
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Thursday, December 26, 2013


With the Holidays and all this good cheer, Are you and your partner more sexually active, or not? Has the stress of gifts, family, spending money put a damper on your routine of romance? Maybe you are even fighting more because of the stress around the holidays. Well, there not suppose to interfere with your sex life.
What about the idea that your partner is hard to shop for. In that case get him or her something sexy to wear.
Something that is only between the two of you. He should think about getting you something romantic, why wait for Valentine's Day, that's stupid. There are plenty of opportunities to be romantic during the holiday rush so don't wait for ontact us for more information

Friday, December 20, 2013


first impressions as we have been told are lasting impressions.  As humans, we have a switch that goes off that quickly sizes up new encounters. Immediately, we make snap judgments.
Of course, over time, exposed to the same person, place or thing other factors come in and expand our thinking and our impression on it.
As an exercise, consider the first time you met your partner. The very first encounter, what was your impression? How much of it still remains registered in your brain? Good? Bad? Indifferent?
Do you think sometimes when there are problems or conflicts in the relationship you have reverted back to earlier impressions? Even your first impression?
Comment, thoughts? or email us at

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


It's not a mortal sin to admit when you made a mistake, we all do. If you fear being ridiculed or judged or scolded that's understandable. Although it's important to pay attention to where it comes from. If the person who calls you out on your faux pas loves you, then take your lickings, apologize, and move on. If your partner tells you they care about you and love you, then a little scolding isn't going to send the relationship back to zero. If your partner is frustrated with you over something that isn't a major catastrophe then keep your ego out of it and just validate her or his feelings of frustration, rather than reverse blame, rationalize or justify your actions. If you know your partner loves you, you should feel safe enough to say,'You're right, I'm sorry you are frustrated with me." This will make your partner feel a whole lot better about you and the relationship. Kiss and forget about it. UNLESS!! THEY KEEP SCREWING UP! 

Monday, December 16, 2013


With gift giving season how do you feel about spending on your loved one? Do you and your partner splurge on each other? Or do you share a gift, meaning that you buy something or do something together?
I hope you don't just buy him another tie or gloves or buy her earrings (unless their diamonds!) But instead, you both talk about something to do or have that you wouldn't normally do the rest of the year.
Even a weekend away or a Broadway show can be a special gift if this isn't the norm. What about taking in a lecture, or a cooking class together?
If you want him to unwrap something under the tree, then may be that can be you. Or if she likes a little holiday romance, snuggle up to her a little longer in the morning or make her breakfast in bed.
So it's not about the expensive gifts it's the creativity and thought behind them that say "I know you, and you have been VERY GOOD this year."
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Friday, December 13, 2013


What keeps you from cheating or betraying your partner? Is it that you hold the relationship you are in sacred? Are you afraid of getting caught? Or is your relationship so satisfying that no one else could be as wonderful or as loving as your partner?
There are many reasons why people cheat.One is the boredom, another is to get through a relationship without having to end it, or you are starved for needs that can't be met and someone comes along and fills that void. There are cheaters because the problems in the relationship are such that cheating is just an alarm to bigger problems that are going on.
Whether it's emotional or physical, stepping outside of the relationship is a cause for reassessment and a sit down with your mate.
If you are so unhappy and you feel you may be vulnerable and  the possibility of hurting the couple-hood you are in, before you go and allow someone else into your private space, (the relationship) then think twice and sit your man or woman down and express how you really feel.
If that other partner doesn't wake up and smell the coffee, you got huge problems. Better get some counseling. any comments? or or read our articles on

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


It's a wonder how you can be married to someone and their siblings are the complete opposite of your partner. But now you have to get along with them, but how. First of all, since her sister is an uptight snob which would never be your kind of people how are you to win her over? Or his brother is a loser which makes you appreciate your partner more but wonder why is your partner successful but his brother is a lazy bum?
It's important to find out why in the sibling world do siblings experience their lives so differently.Don't need to analyze but knowing how and why your partner turned out the way they did separate from their siblings is a clue to future success in your relationship.
Getting along with the siblings of your partner despite the vast difference of personality is the challenge. Meeting them where they are is the key. Blend rather then repel.Granted her brother is a spoiled prince and your partner carried the world on her shoulders is not something you need to change. This system has formed long before you got there,just go with it and if anything, help her rather than fight her on it. Any comments or questions join us on FB find us and

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


DO you know why You will be Divorced?
Because what you think is True Love is really just True LUST.
Real Love doesn't divorce, Love may fight, love may hurt  but all in the name of PASSIONate committed LOVE,  LOVE doesn't discard or Leave or Divorce. LOVE DOESN'T Call Lawyers.
LUST will guarantee leaving, LUST is short lived. LUST Is selfish LUST is one dimensional, it finds fault, it fears being rejected, it's insecure,it's superior, it's inferior, it compares, it criticizes. LUST gets aroused and then quiets down. LOVE perpetuates LOVE is never quiet LOVE never ages, you are as beautiful as the moment you Fell into it. LUST Makes you fat, ugly, boring,mean, bitter. LOVE IS ALWAYS LOVE impenetrable.
Comment of our FB or go to or call for an appt to work on your 

Sunday, December 8, 2013


We were out last night to see the Broadway show JANIS JOPLIN, a tribute to a soulful woman, good tribute over all. My point is that despite the show and the theatrical experience blah blah, my concern is that because for obvious money reasons, security allowed misbehaved patrons to walk in and out of the theatre, cheapening the performance like it was a McDonald's.
We were constantly being disturbed by "clearly novice theatre goers".But which one of us said something to the theatre personnel? Who in your relationship, opens up their mouth to make a complaint? Do both of you steam and gripe to yourselves? Does one politely bring it to the attention of one who can do something about it, or does one of you freak out and demand your money back? Or do you get the  "SHHHH, don't make a scene!!
If you and your partner have been in similar situations while out or with customer service, and one of you feels you're fighting the beast alone, bring this up in a conversation. Especially, when you need him or her to back you up, or pull you back before you start swinging.
It's one of you who speaks up, but how does the other feel sitting silent?
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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Is there Trust in your relationship?

Trust is the basis of a true partnership, without it there is nothing that keeps you together.
Not only is trust about affairs and infidelity it includes behaviors such as predictability, reliability,saying what you mean, speaking up for what you need, being open and receptive, and saying no for the purpose of self-preservation and self-esteem.
Trusting in yourself as to knowing who you are in the relationship has much to do with the ability to trust your partner in knowing who they are.
Seriously, what is the point if you  have to question your partners intentions, or wonder if what she says will she follow through. When she tells you one thing but does something else, It is a betrayal. And that hurts.
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Thursday, December 5, 2013


How often I hear women complain "He doesn't talk to me"  but then all he wants to do is have sex with me.
Have you thought that maybe sex for him is soothing and a means to connect for security? As much of a pacifier is to a baby, so sex is to some men, and some women. We are not gender bias, however, let's face it we hear the complaints more from the women. This may also be because you will rarely hear a man complain his partner always want to have sex? so we get it. point taken.

The issue here is what do you do about a partner who has difficulty communicating verbally? Leaving you feeling alone and then reaches out for a physical connection.  Most times you will give in, of course you are starved for the connection.  The problem never goes away. Next time, when he or she shuts you out or limits the verbal, ask your partner to share a thought with you. Ask your partner to tell you one good thing that happened that day.  Foreplay can be verbal and/or physical.  As you touch and stroke, share thoughts, not necessarily emotions because this may be too awkward.  Talk about anything and let your partner do the talking.   It needs to get out of the head and out of his mouth.

Join our Facebook Group to start your own discussion about your relationship or join other people's discussion.

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What Happened to OUR LOVE?

As part of this next group of Blogs We would like to address the lack of desire that occurs in a marriage. We see this in our practice quite often. The truth is that one partner truly wishes the relationship was what it once was. You remember, the laughing, the closeness, that no matter what each other was thinking, it was good it was accepted and it all made sense and you could laugh about it. Not like now, when everything he says or she says, is annoying, stupid, or nails on a chalkboard. This adverse effect has much to do with your disappointment about the loss of your love.
Tell each other how sad you are about the change in your relationship. In early years you would have been able to say how you felt. Take a baby step and gently tell your partner how you feel. without blame, stick to your feelings, and try to be empathetic. Just say " I miss the old days when we were really great with each other" Then walk away nicely! join us on FB or contact

Monday, December 2, 2013


Around the end of the year, many bad marriages find their resting place. She say's by next Christmas "I will not be spending the holiday with this stupid man!", and she means it.So the divorce paper trail begins. This makes for the one holiday that sucks. It's awkward, it's bitter, and the kids are dreading it, because mom and dad can't get through the day without fighting, ruining their Christmas. Bah Hum Bug! You're scrooge, she's scrooge, the holidays this year can't be over soon enough.
This is so sad.
The holidays are for the kids, let's not forget. They have one one childhood and much of  their adulthood will
be defined by this childhood. So suck it up with the Mr. Keep the holiday cheer up, even if it means drinking a couple of extra Eggnogs. Next year it won't be so bad. Make it special for the kids, If they have a Christmas filled with tension and hostility this  will shadow over all the wonderful ones they had in the past.. We know you  both miss the joy of the early Christmases when the Love and the Marriage was good. Be civil and kind to that spouse that despises you now for whatever reason, you can make the Holidays special for you and the kids so try to do your best. It will be noticed.
Keep us informed and we will support you.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

First Thanksgiving without your kids?

Since the divorce and the parenting plan, now the holidays are split between you. This year your ex has the kids and will be taking them to his or her family's dinner table, and you are not invited. This either feels good or feels bad. If the holiday feels empty without your kids then take this time to reminisce. there were good times in the past and the holidays meant the family was all together. The price of divorce is high. If you are away from your own family this holiday then treat yourself to something special that you can do on your own. Maybe plan another dinner on the weekend with your kids, or chalk it up this year because you will celebrate with them next year. Either way it's your decision. The good thing is if you hated going to your in-laws then be happy you're off the hook. I spent 11 grooling Thanksgivings with my mother-in law. For me coming from an Italian family, our thanksgivings started Thursday morning and feasted on all the Italian cuisine you dream about and then by midnight after stuffing one more cannoli in us, we rolled out the door. it wasn't like that at my in laws, to them Thanksgiving Dinner looked like a typical Thursday night, and seconds?! That was frowned upon, believe me I wasn't going for seconds anyway on their tofutti-turkey and brussel sprout-kale casserole.
So enjoy the day your way.

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Monday, November 25, 2013

His Family drives me insane!

With  holidays approaching and family obligations the stress of getting together with people you don't like or who don't like you increases. Holidays become a dread. What do you do? If his sister in law still avoids you or his mother still throws digs as she talks to your boyfriend about the girl he use to date with exuberance but remorse. Walk away or change the subject. The woman lacks social etiquette. Just don't make the mistake of complaining to your boyfriend about it, he is aware. Unless he says something right there and then, let it go. He is with you and mom just needs to get over it and move on. Be respectful, and courteous, stand tall with confidence and grace. You never know, she may miss the ex-girlfriend because she felt superior to her, and with you she may have to step up her game.  Whatever the reason is, take this as an opportunity to shine.

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Sunday, November 24, 2013

See what other couples think?

We went down to the village last night and interviewed several couples asking them what they thought was the most important value in a relationship and what would keep the relationship sustained and strong.
The first couple looked at each other and having given it some thought both, well, she said and he agreed, although he seemed a bit hesitant, when she blurted out "Trust". He nodded his head, and said, "Yeah, trust. 
Another couple married 33 years, admitted they never thought about. His answer was "fear" she said they take it day by day and although they have had rough spots along the way, ultimately, they feel it's respecting each others opinion that has gotten them this far.
Most of the other couples we spoke to all agreed trust, honesty, and flexibility are the key factors. 
And yes these are, had we had the opportunity to talk with them longer, the values such as money, sex and family would have sparked greater conversation.
They will have the chance to discuss those when they purchase our book Happy Today Divorced Tomorrow, paving the way to Happily Ever After.
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Friday, November 22, 2013



Take accountability for your actions in the relationship that has ended. As mediators we meet with couples who enslave themselves and tether themselves to their ex. Both are guilty of entrapping and oppressing themselves either by excessive child support, visitation deprivation, and the like. Brooding over what was and what is post-divorce settlement.

Don't  let this generational mindset maintain a victim mentality and don't pass it on to your off spring? As long as we say we won't be victims and fight back we are still giving power to the superior rulers that tie our hands and tape our mouths. By addressing yourself as a victim you are then a victim, plain and simple.

If you are fighting the courts, petitioning to judges because you feel you deserve more, or feel mistreated then it isn't the court or the ex that will set you free.  Don't you realize the system holds you hostage? Stand strong in your independence from the court system. If you are making your ex pay and you have a shared parenting agreement, then you my dear are a slave. Break out of the chains that bind you, stand tall and firmly on the ground and make your own way.  If your ex won't contribute to the basic needs of his or her child, then it is their downfall by which this should make you want to clear yourself of any contamination of such despicable existence, and remove yourself mind, body and soul. 

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Part II from family court told by anonymous Ex

Four hours later just leaving Family Court.
Finally called our names, right hand swear in. Let's begin. Child support was waived. Each parent supports each child, property owed is to be sold, equity evenly divided, parties move on. Down went the gavel.
I am relieved that it's agreed upon, since both earn approximately the same. we both love our kids and want to do right by them.
Do we need to be bitter and scorned? Do I need to degrade myself and grovel for his money, no. What's fair is fair. The marriage ended and for whatever the reasons it is best to look forward and learn from our choices we made in the past. There are no mistakes just poor decisions and  we make those decisions based on the information and needs we have at that time. The lesson learned today, is do your homework, knowledge is power, the more you know the better the decision will be.
I'm grateful and privileged to earn my own keep, independent from anyone and everyone.
I know the judge was fair, he was unbiased. They are not always, therefore most of all I am grateful to the moral ethics of the court.
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013


-anonymous ex wife

As I sit here in the family court building trying to find what Part 81 means, and what floor it is after standing on an outrageous line to be body scanned, and my back pack ransacked, my nerves frazzled and it's only 9 o’clock in the morning.

The most frightening part of this is mainly facing my ex as he stares me down with disdain and venom. Does he think I want to be here? I should be at work, but instead I'm sitting here in a room with other disgruntled individuals who like us, cannot agree on a resolution and need a stranger who has never met us to decide our fate.

As I sit here regretting that second cup of coffee and my body profusely sweating, I fear the worse. I fear that what I bring to the judge as my plea will be shot down. I see flashbacks of my youth in school sitting outside the principal’s office waiting for him to come out and call me in for punitive lectures and punishment. My heart is in my throat because I fear I won't have a chance to tell my side of the story, my right to my justice to the principal to the judge. I'm voiceless.

How and why did I get here, and what will be the outcome, will this verdict today lay heavy on me, will I be able to cope with the resolution, will I want to hurl a lead pipe to my ex's head?

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Being a Control Freak is NOT sexy!

Stop the incessant controlling over your partner. It's not sexy in fact it will eventually if not sooner, end the relationship with animosity. Have you been called "controlling" or given the label 'OCD" ? Imagine how others experience you. Do you really want your partner to cringe every time you open your mouth? Then do you expect them to want to have sex with you? Or do you direct that too?  Or when he or she suggests something or makes a decision you go right to the negative? You may not hear yourself, and I'm sure it is not your intention to put your loved one on the defensive. 
No matter what, the damage takes a toll on the relationship. Even though you may think, on occasion that he or she doesn't know what they are doing,and that they aren't as smart or clever or efficient as you, LET IT BE! They can't be complete numskulls you wouldn't be with them. 
Here's an idea why not talk and discuss what's best for the both of you. 
For example, if he goes to the store to get baked beans but brings back the wrong brand does he deserve execution? Maybe communication is lacking. Maybe you are looking for fault, why? Maybe, you're hurt because all these years you have been serving him Heinz Baked Beans and he never took notice, beans being the metaphor for all the other little nuances he overlooked or as you may feel  he took for granted. Talk about it without criticism or disdain.
If this continues, then you may need a referee or counselor. for more info or share with us on our Facebook Page, or go to:  

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Are you Dating a Narcissist ?

Can your successful boyfriend be a narcissist that one day will be painfully and emotionally hurtful to live with down the road? You betcha! While you are dating this particular dream guy, pay attention to the following behaviors.
Does he have a grandiose sense of self-importance? (Narcissist)
You may see this and think " wow,he is really confident" How about a preoccupation with unlimited success? power? brilliance? ideal love?   He knows more than the average joe, is smarted than his boss, he has more talent in his little finger, and just needs the right opportunity to make it all happen. Tells you he is going to be rich, "just watch" he says. Narcissistic to the extreme.
Does he drop the hint that he sees himself as unique, different in a "special way"?
Sure, this can be a turn on, and you certainly don't want to settle for anything else. You stick by him because you would be nutz to hand him over to someone else.
 You may believe you landed a "prince". He has it all. And you aren't going to let him go, because your lives together are going to be grand and super successful. As well it should be, but with hard work, not by him exploiting others, or non-empathetic to others in order to get ahead. If he has his nose up in the air, then one day he will turn enough people off, isolate himself with his sense of entitlement, distance himself from you too and the kids, because you failed to meet his expectations. Life with a narcissist most likely ends in divorce, and your fighting for yours and your children's share of the assets. You will fight, in court with expensive lawyers, since he does not believe for a minute you deserve anything. It's his, he earned it, and you never did anything.
This goes for women too mind you it's not just men. Symptoms play out a little differently, we will address her next time. For more info and articles go to: and

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Happy Today Divorced Tomorrow It Could Happen to You

Every marriage has the chance to become a divorce, do you know that more than 50% of marriages end in divorce today, and the 50% that remain are not all happy marriages?
We know: go to to read more articles
Why is this? For one, marriages are premature, many couples have not struggled long enough, or climbed enough hurdles in their relationship to know that they cannot survive bad days, crisis, and downfalls.
Married too young to know the real deal of reality.  Many young adults have barely crawled out from under their parents roof to know the harsh realities of life's challenges. And need to be on their own for a certain amount of time.  Go to: for assistance in self awareness and personal growth
There's no reason to marry young, give yourself time to figure out who you are, then when the bad times come you know better how to handle them. Knowing yourself will certainly increase your chances of surviving a marriage, and if the marriage ends you will certainly survive the divorce.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Are you at all interested in Evolving with your partner?

Most couples in their relationship would say "yes of course", but that's not what we see or hear when it comes down to it.

So let's back up.

Many couples get together and form their relationship on the things they have in common, that's a start but that is not where it should stay.  Couples tend to be comfortable with who they are and stay stagnant, but what if, just WHAT IF, you both encouraged each other to reach a higher, deeper, more elaborate lifestyle and we don't mean financially. (Of course that can be a bonus but not necessarily the goal)  What we really mean is for the two of you to encourage each other to be richer in spirit, moral, intellect, health, and so on.  

Relationships are about growth.

In addition to being supportive in career and education, if you are still in school or still building up the the career that you are driven towards, what about  the other areas in your full existence.  Do each of you recommend books to one another that are of substance, does one of you maintain a health regiment, like the gym or sports that keeps you fit?  Can you make this a team effort between the two of you? 

I'm sorry, but grabbing the remote and your loved one to veg on the couch for another weekly episode of Dancing with the Stars, should make you think twice about what you are really about as a couple.  You could be taking your butt and your loved one to a dance class. If your too rusty, then go on line, practice off of YouTube and then sign up.  Being together means bringing each other to a higher ground and developing yourselves.  In five years or more, you both will be  stronger and smarter individuals than you were when you met.  

GO to - where we will be constructing our new website just for you based on our upcoming BOOK Happy Today Divorced Tomorrow
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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Should You Live Together?

Don:  If you want to take the relationship to the next step it's good to live together
Dana:  I don't agree, especially after divorce and kids and later in life, living together isn't as necessary as it is when you're young and wanting to form a family.

Don:  That's true initially but when you’re older you don't want to be a single person
Dana:  Who is a single person, you're still a couple.
Don:  Living together has the benefit of companionship and that feels like a real relationship, instead of it feeling like you are single
Dana:  I get that, but then living together can be too confining especially as we get older we are set in our ways.  Plus I did the "playing house" long ago, I don't feel the need to.

Don:  It's important that you get your space, having alone time and private space.  We would have to make arrangements with time and space
Dana:  I wouldn’t want to move into together for financial reasons, since this has proven to be a problem in the past, two incomes afford a nice place but then what happens when one can no longer maintain the lifestyle due to job loss, kid’s expense, things like that?
Don:  Yes but we can have a place that’s a little more money than one of us wants to spend so it’s a bigger place, but then instead of paying for two places, say $3000 each which is $6000 we would have one place say around $4000 and save the rest and put it away.
Dana: You make a good argument, I'm just worried about having that alone time. When would I get it?
Don:  We would make arrangements, you can go into another room
Dana:  Yes, I could but I'll know you're still in the apartment, I'll feel your presence
Don:  Yes, I know that, you're sensitive that way.
Dana:  I like the idea of knowing that for a few days out of the week I can finish work or have an afternoon where there's no need to explain or schedule anything with anyone.
Don:  I like that too, but I also feel the companionship piece over rides this.
Dana:  That's because you grew up with a lot of interactive parents and family
and I grew up with a lot less than that, everyone did their own thing and rarely had to check in.
Don:  It is very different, so what do we do?
Dana:  There is no easy answer but i want to be able to give you what you need
Don:  And i want to do the same for you.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Should you talk to your partner about your suspicions when you think they are sneaking around?

Should you talk to your partner about your suspicions when you think they are sneaking around?
It's how and when you address it. Not accusatory and NOT when your in a fight which you may have started in order to bring it up.
If you think your partner is keeping something from you and it's eating away at you, then just come out and ask. Not easy I know, but you have no choice. Otherwise you will be wondering, pre-occupied and worse planning on ways of catching him or her. This is no way to live and no way to be in a relationship.

If you have a hunch that something with another person is going on behind your back, the fear that you are being made a fool of or even worse that your partner has feelings for someone else is consuming. In a calm mature way ask, "Can we talk" If the time is good for both of you then ask, "Are there things in this relationship that you need are not getting from me?" What you want to do is repair your relationship, if both of you feel good about each other, there is no room for anyone else." Start with this tactic. and see where it goes. You have time to assess and repair. No one is running off into the sunset. So don't blow it by being impatient.maintain the emotion.
Look for our book that's coming out soon HAPPY TODAY DIVORCED TOMORROW
Paving the way towards Happily Ever After.
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013


When you look at him, is there a certain glint that turns you on? When you look at her and the way she giggles makes your insides flutter?
Isn't it a real turn on when the two of you find each other so irresistible? Keep it that way. The secret is maintaining the respect and integrity of the relationship.
When contempt builds up, hurts are piling on top of hurts, then guarantee the bedroom will get colder than a witches you know what.
How to keep the contempt from building? Shut up, bite that lip that use to turn him on. Walk away before you say something hurtful! Instead of communicating negative criticisms, communicate statements like, " I'm upset with you right now so give me some space, or I don't understand why you act like that, so help me to better understand you."
IN keeping the sex and the flame hot....avoid the ugly, talk don't shame or condemn. This is NOT sexy!
Make love Not War Baby!
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follow us on twitter @dana_and_Don

Monday, November 11, 2013

If you don't somebody else will!

Is it nice to tell your partner that there are plenty of fish in the sea for you and that you do not need him, or he better shape up? Do you think that helps the relationship at all? No, and you know it. So why do it? It only pushes him away, and do you know why it pushes him away? Or pushes her away? because it is insulting and degrading. So stop hurting you partner by telling him " If you don't somebody else will" A great line from Bette Davis in Of Human Bondage. Bottom line, if you want your partner to pay attention, then tell him or her that "even though we fight and you annoy me, I wouldn't want to be with anyone else."
go to: or to review or seek help for your relationship. We are here to help

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Why wait until she falls down the stairs?

Does it really have to take a terminal disease or a bad bone break to be recognized and appreciated by your spouse? Sometimes. 
Recently a couple were on the brink of divorce, retainers paid to the lawyers house for sale the usual. Until the wife accidentally fell down the steps in their home. First I thought, Uhm, really? Accident?  Soon to be divorced? I read too many crime stories. 
 I would have kept thinking  "accident?" IF the husband didn't come to her aid the way he did. He has been an amazing man, as the wife describes him. While she recovers from a bruised back he has taken care of all the household responsibilities and continue go to work at his job and stay on top of the bills.
Funny, she was doing the same thing, until now, but why does he get the applause? We won't go there.
read our articles
My point is, that now she is recovering and he is picking up the slack, and loving it, she was always the leader, in control, directing and task leader. But now her husband has experienced for himself his ability without her running the show, He feels purposeful and resourceful. Keeping track of the two kids and maintaining the household. With him feeling better about himself leads to him feeling better about the relationship. Their sex life has also improved, sure she is in pain, so he has to be gentle, but the sex is great, and a little different given the injured needs new positions. He is even initiating the sex. In turn she feels better that she is not the only one who has to run the household and can now rely on him. This makes her feel super good too. go to: to learn more about couples treatment.
I can only hope that the lawyer now gives her back her retainer.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Can you maintain sexual excitement in a long distance relationship? How are you with phone sex? Is it the only substitute until both of you are together again? Don't kid yourself, a relationship needs its physical stimulation. Sure many couples can be in a relationship without a consistent sexual explosion. But they are still in the physical realm, eating, sleeping, talking together. These activities alone count for something. Removing this intimacy and the sexual intimacy leaves a couple empty. A big void, big hole, un-tethered. So what’s a couple, who are in love, but temporarily separated to do?
So if phone sex is all you have, take it. With now the  I Phone you can also "face time" your sexual interlude.

No matter what you both decide on remember the romantic percentage of your relationship isn't everything, but the intimacy is. Intimacy between two adults is what defines a relationship. But, if you not are the techno sex type, then write a poem, or a sentimental letter that captures the essence of your relationship personality. If you both love a certain theme or joke, send quotes or pictures. Or, if you love to talk on the phone, tell something about yourself that you haven’t shared, this can deepen the connection, when togetherness does conjure up the need to share a little secret about yourself.
For more information go to our websites, listen to our radio podcast  and look out for our book that will be out soon. Happy Today Divorced Tomorrow, Paving the way to happily Ever-after and avoiding the pot holes.
Or for couples expert email me at

Sunday, November 3, 2013

72  SEX hour cycle
Is it true that a man regularly desires sex approximately every 72 hours? The answer is YES, In our chapter Sex and Intimacy you will discover and learn more about your partner's cycle. Female counter parts are not always in the mood, so what happens when she wants to read and he wants to "not read" in bed?
How can you as a couple maintain a healthy affectionate and intimate  sex relationship that suits him and her, because her cycle is not as in sync as men prefer. go to  Radio Tab  on listen to our radio pod casts
And for you women who find the chore of sex daunting or more nicely put, too much too often, and "leave me alone, I have a headache" comes to mind. There are ways in which you can both have a pleasant evening without risking guilt, or rejection. For couples who need to get on track find me on
You will read all about this in our new book Happy Today Divorced Tomorrow The Myth of Happily Ever after. Learn how to avoid the Inevitable.
As a couples therapist and as Mediators we know first hand how relationships get derailed and we want to help you save yours.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Sex as survival for a relationship

Can man live on sex alone?  " Mine can, except he would break for a steak and a hunk of dark chocolate". This is what I was told, but I won't say from who. When I asked her what she thought her role in the partnership was she responded, "if all I wore was a T-bone and dipped my head in chocolate I think he'd be in heaven." This couple have a very active and satisfying sexual relationship. How long would you guess they have been together? Not newlyweds, not childless. They have been together 22 years and have never cheated on each other. Studies concluded from
Impressive yes, are they in marital trouble, YES. Sex and the turn on between them is essential to keeping this part of their relationship on track.  But,when I asked them both who do each of them go to, to talk about their problems, worries, fears. he said, his mother, and she said her best friend.
for more info go to

Sunday, October 27, 2013


The following 15 items can get you started in accepting the possibility that your marriage may be on the fritz. As you read through them, feelings of sadness, anger and hope may emerge. It’s so important to face these feelings because they are real, they are your feelings. Identifying with your feelings and allowing them is the first step to recovering from the loss and transition of the dissolution of your marriage. read on:
Are the Signs that your marriage may be over
two of you bickering or fighting over the same unresolved issues?

  • Do you find that your spouse annoys you; it’s frustrating to talk to him or her.?
  • Do you worry that the fights may escalate into physical or they have already?
  • Do you feel hopeless in thinking you can’t get the love or passion back?
  • When you argue do you fight to hurt the other person’s feelings?
  • How long has it been since you enjoyed each other’s company, and felt really connected?
  • Are you still sexually attracted? Is it love-making or just sex?
  • Does your spouse criticize, you or put you down, make jokes at your expense in front of others, then tell you are just being too sensitive?
  • Do you envision co-parenting your children in separate households?
  • Do your values and goals clash, do you feel one has out grown the other and is more interested in venturing out alone?
  • Can you still be flexible on important issues?
  • Have you or your spouse been unfaithful?
  • Are you determined to be happy again and believe that you can have a new relationship that brings joy and satisfaction, and this marriage is not it anymore?
  •  When you look at your spouse and realize it’s over can you be sad and grasp the idea that it’s over?
  • Do you have a plan if you do divorce? Are you willing to make financial sacrifices for the sake of the children and yourself?
    go to or to learn more.

THE COST of Financial Security ?

How much do you COST ?
Money and relationships are a topic!
The topic of money in a committed relationship has its importance because of the fact that each partner upholds their own value of money based on the way they have learned to perceive its meaning.
Whether you grew up wealthy, impoverished, or in the middle, you and your partner have a philosophy that can be either in sync or unfortunately incongruent with your living lifestyle.
For example, say you grew up in an upper middle class household your parents provided for you, and you never went without. You grew up knowing that if you needed anything, like a new bike, winter coat, college education, it would always be there. But now, you have your own bank account and income, but nowhere near the amount your parents had, yet you are accustomed to buying and shopping for the luxuries and necessities, as you need them, not when you can afford them. Growing up having access to resources that were always readily available conditioned you to feeling secure. The dilemma is that now, living with your partner and a budget, limits you in obtaining the once niceties you grew up enjoying. Emotionally, it’s conflicting, in that you’re feeling deserving but cannot purchase based on your partnership and agreed upon financial budget. You are no longer dependent on your parents nor should you be. It is their money to retire with, and you need to make your own.
Financial security is important to maintain for yourself no matter what. 
Now for the other example, your partner grew up differently, their spending experience was similar but then a tragedy happened. His family fell on hard times, dad got sick, or had legal problems costing the family their home, and comfortable, secure lifestyle.  They went from riches to rags. Losing money was frightening and impacted their lives much like a meteor crashing into their atmosphere. This financial crisis, taught your partner to save for a rainy day, based on a history that may have been traumatic. It may not have been talked about in the home, but he noticed the now stress between his parents, the cut backs, maybe shame, etc.
This adjustment into your adult relationship either transitions easily or turns out to be a disaster.  Once into, the marriage it usually gets worse, then with kids, even worse unless the discussion and rules about MONEY and relationships are adhered to.

The truth is if you both have different perspectives about money it will need to be talked about and if the relationship in regards to money is going to last respectfully, it will mean both of you will need to shift your thinking around how each of you behaves when it comes to the mighty dollar. BE SMART. Don’t allow the money to interfere with your happiness and your relationship.
go to and to learn more.


If it is the father who moved out and he has his own apartment, unless he is a professional interior decorator, there's a very good chance his place bears absolutely no resemblance to the family home. No offense to the dads who lack aesthetic flair, but even if you took the marital furniture with you, there is something lacking, and the kids notice. Normally, little girls are protective of their dad and can feel sad for him.
Believe me, I have seen these places and these homes and I have heard from the children. They usually say things like, " I hate going to dad's he has nothing on the walls." or, "dad doesn't know how to clean, it's always dirty."  And "dad’s apartment is so depressing, do I have to go?"  I also hear from children who visit their parent at their grandparent's home. Children have said, “I don't want to stay at grandma's house to see dad, it feels weird."
When these comments continue to be a hindrance to the parent/child relationship we offer a family session to clear the air and to solve for this emotional, financial, and tangible problem.
It’s not until the family can sit in session and talk about their thoughts and feelings about these new changes that impact everyone. Tears, laughter and open communication clear the air. As long as all parties can be empathetic, patient and be creative. The displaced parent feels heard, the residential parent realizes the impact on the children, and the children can express their needs in an open forum. Having a family session is the first step toward collective bargaining. Family concerns will come up now
Go to and


Do we expose ourselves freely

When they ask, "hey, you have that look of love in your eyes, what's the deal?" Do we spill the beans and offer every glorious moment?
If we do, then the cat is out of the bag. And you know it's not so easy to put the cat back in the bag.
Friends and Family are most likely to want to know you are fulfilled and in a healthy relationship, wishing you happiness as they get to know your partner and build a relationship with you as a couple. That is all perfect and the best scenario.
Then there's the news that things are not going so well lately with your loved one, you open up and expose dirty details that make your partner less appealing to your friends, and now your family isn't so thrilled either since they have learned that there is an ugly side to this new person. Not too excited to see him or her at the next Family dinner. The two of you are back as one, and the conflict has resolved, well, maybe for the two of you, but not for your parents who now are on guard to protect you, and now they give him or her the cold shoulder. When going out with your best friend who was also told by you that your partner pulled some kind of low move on you, his or her invitation to join the group is not so hospitable. But again, you and your partner have resolved your issue, all is well, you both stayed up all night talking and talking until the silly little misunderstanding was fixed and love prevails. Not with your friends and family unfortunately, unless they stayed up with the both of you all night too and helped out.  Quite, unlikely. Nope, all they know is what you told them when you were mad, and that is pretty much what they are going to remember. So as a practice, it's imperative to keep the upsets and bickering inside your relationship, and protect it as its own virtue. Side note: If it's an abusive relationship meaning physical or verbal, then you had better tell someone, but these are the dirty details that get hidden. You know whether you are in a healthy or dysfunctional relationship,hopefully and you will then make the necessary decisions. Go to:
or  to learn more.


Sex is one of the major conflicts in a relationship after money. This being a priority for many and if this particular need is not met or talked about can easily turn a great relationship into a tragic one.
Why then does sex even become a sore or neglected element?
Relationships begin with chemistry, a man and woman are drawn together by scent and attraction thereby stimulating sexual urges.
Everyone who has been in a normal healthy relationship would agree that the beginning of their relationship had plenty of sexual excitement in it. Many healthy relationships continue to maintain this, although as times goes on, both partners would attest that this sexual activity fades or has faded. NOT  good. Let's face it, sex in a relationship benefits the intimacy level, the communication, the quality of each of your individual needs and your needs together. Eliminating or underestimating this in your relationship can be a mistake.
When hurt, power, disappointment and such simmers beneath the surface and interferes with the sexual relationship your relationship can be at risk. When either of you recognize this, it is time to talk about it. If it cannot be talked about then you are at a great risk. Sex and intimacy is about trust, vulnerability, affection and honesty. If your relationship is not secure enough to tolerate these emotions then you will either find a professional to talk to, move out of the relationship or accept that your relationship is one of superficiality, lacking the very essentials that define a Real union between two people.



You are with your partner (LOVE AND ROMANCE) for a couple of years now! wowie! but how well do you really know each other ? and will you be as interesting to one another in a few years from now?.Check out this brief quiz and see if the answers are yes or no or worse YOU don't know.
1. Do you know what makes your partner happiest?
2. Is Sex always satisfying?
3.Do you know your partner's 3 Life wishes?
4.Who in your partners life have been most influential?
5. Does your partner know you and your wishes and happiness?
6. Do you show respect toward one another privately and publicly?
7. Are you happy to see each other when you get together?
8. Does one of you envision the future differently then your partner?
9. Do you know how stress effects your partner?
10.Can you talk to your partner about sensitive issues? with out arguing?
Go to and for more information on how to save your relationship.