Friday, December 13, 2013


What keeps you from cheating or betraying your partner? Is it that you hold the relationship you are in sacred? Are you afraid of getting caught? Or is your relationship so satisfying that no one else could be as wonderful or as loving as your partner?
There are many reasons why people cheat.One is the boredom, another is to get through a relationship without having to end it, or you are starved for needs that can't be met and someone comes along and fills that void. There are cheaters because the problems in the relationship are such that cheating is just an alarm to bigger problems that are going on.
Whether it's emotional or physical, stepping outside of the relationship is a cause for reassessment and a sit down with your mate.
If you are so unhappy and you feel you may be vulnerable and  the possibility of hurting the couple-hood you are in, before you go and allow someone else into your private space, (the relationship) then think twice and sit your man or woman down and express how you really feel.
If that other partner doesn't wake up and smell the coffee, you got huge problems. Better get some counseling. any comments? or or read our articles on

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