Saturday, December 7, 2013

Is there Trust in your relationship?

Trust is the basis of a true partnership, without it there is nothing that keeps you together.
Not only is trust about affairs and infidelity it includes behaviors such as predictability, reliability,saying what you mean, speaking up for what you need, being open and receptive, and saying no for the purpose of self-preservation and self-esteem.
Trusting in yourself as to knowing who you are in the relationship has much to do with the ability to trust your partner in knowing who they are.
Seriously, what is the point if you  have to question your partners intentions, or wonder if what she says will she follow through. When she tells you one thing but does something else, It is a betrayal. And that hurts.
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1 comment:

  1. I have to agree I think if you can not trust in your self to be who you are then u should not go in a relationship because before it starts into something is a fast as it will fall apart
