Sunday, November 17, 2013

Are you Dating a Narcissist ?

Can your successful boyfriend be a narcissist that one day will be painfully and emotionally hurtful to live with down the road? You betcha! While you are dating this particular dream guy, pay attention to the following behaviors.
Does he have a grandiose sense of self-importance? (Narcissist)
You may see this and think " wow,he is really confident" How about a preoccupation with unlimited success? power? brilliance? ideal love?   He knows more than the average joe, is smarted than his boss, he has more talent in his little finger, and just needs the right opportunity to make it all happen. Tells you he is going to be rich, "just watch" he says. Narcissistic to the extreme.
Does he drop the hint that he sees himself as unique, different in a "special way"?
Sure, this can be a turn on, and you certainly don't want to settle for anything else. You stick by him because you would be nutz to hand him over to someone else.
 You may believe you landed a "prince". He has it all. And you aren't going to let him go, because your lives together are going to be grand and super successful. As well it should be, but with hard work, not by him exploiting others, or non-empathetic to others in order to get ahead. If he has his nose up in the air, then one day he will turn enough people off, isolate himself with his sense of entitlement, distance himself from you too and the kids, because you failed to meet his expectations. Life with a narcissist most likely ends in divorce, and your fighting for yours and your children's share of the assets. You will fight, in court with expensive lawyers, since he does not believe for a minute you deserve anything. It's his, he earned it, and you never did anything.
This goes for women too mind you it's not just men. Symptoms play out a little differently, we will address her next time. For more info and articles go to: and

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