Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Importance of Me Time


What is the Importance of ME Time?



Do you give your partner the time they need to do important things that they have to do? If not, you should start, because it is imperative if you wish to be #ConsciousCoupling ! Here's why.


Let Them Focus

I know. Nothing makes you happier than being around your lover. But, if you truly love them, you have to allow them time to focus. If they are in school, for example, you have to realize that even though they would love to spend even more time with you than they already are, that they absolutely have to put energy into studying so they can graduate and have a better life for the both of you. If your boyfriend or girlfriend works a job that requires a lot of hours out of them, then you would use the same logic. 


If you don't give them the time they need, and they fail at something that they worked so hard on, they could resent you for it in the end. Even though it would be partly their fault for not focusing like they should have (and instead spending all of their waking hours with you), they could still possibly at that failing point feel like they would need to choose between you and school (or work) in order to be successful. That's the last thing you want to happen, so give them the "me" time that they need, so both of you can be #ConsciousCoupling . 


You Do the Same

While they are studying so hard or working all of those hours, what are you doing? Sometimes you have to step back and see the big picture. Are there gaps in time each day that you aren't working on anything? Maybe you can take a few classes yourself, pick up a hobby, or find another part-time job. These days the couples that are successful at their relationships seem to be people that are ambitious and want more out of life. These are what are called Power Couples, and if both of you use your time wisely there is nothing that you can't accomplish together. 


So give your partner their ME Time and practice #ConsciousCoupling !







Conscious Coupling is about helping people become aware of their differences by using "Root Cause Analysis".  Dana and Don have seen many cases and have determined and proved why people fall and slip onto the path of divorce.  Conscious Coupling averts the disaster before it's too late. 


Beginning this October, ConsciousCoupling will offer a couples' support group in Wantagh and Manhattan. Go to and send an email to for more info and to sign up.   


Learn More About What We Do:



The Support Groups have started on Tuesday and Friday nights in Manhattan and Wantagh, respectively.  Go to

and send email to for more info and to register.

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Spend time with your partner at the Paint Place - NEW interactive art studio on the Upper West Side of Manhattan

 The Paint Place

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