Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Are you ready to be in a Conscious Coupling Relationship?


Are you ready for a #ConsciousCoupling Relationship?


How do we know when we are ready to be in a relationship or forget relationship; deal with the idea of settling down or #consciouscoupling? When you are a teenager, you date around to see what type of person would be fun for the time being. In the back of your mind, you may also be hopeful that this is the person. In your twenties, you start to make the list. As you grow, so does the list and now a cute guy who can master World of Warcraft or a girl who can tie a cherry with her tongue moves further down, no pun intended. Life changes, we change and that is when we start to become aware of what we are looking for.


A man is out on the prowl for sex; a woman is looking for sex...and a meaningful relationship. She sees every guy that she meets as the one that will change her life. He brings her roses, that suddenly goes in to her wedding box as the flowers she has to have draped everywhere. It seems that both sexes will say and do whatever they feel is necessary to get what they want. If one wants a relationship with the other, they are #consciouscoupling. But should the other party be aware of this? The answer is: it is up to you.


If you really want to be in a relationship, whether out of loneliness or genuine attraction, let the other person know. Let them know that you are, in fact #consciouscoupling with them as in you can see your next few dates with them. You don't have to be super open; no one has to know on the second date that you've named your children with this person. But you can let them know that this is the direction that you are headed. That way you know if they are going to be your passenger or someone who is just a blip on your social radar. 





Conscious Coupling is about helping people become aware of their differences by using "Root Cause Analysis".  Dana and Don have seen many cases and have determined and proved why people fall and slip onto the path of divorce.  Conscious Coupling averts the disaster before it's too late. 


Beginning this October, ConsciousCoupling will offer a couples' support group in Wantagh and Manhattan. Go to

www.consciouscouplingservices.com and send an email to dgrecolcsw@gmail.com for more info and to sign up.   


Learn More About What We Do:



The Support Groups have started on Tuesday and Friday nights in Manhattan and Wantagh, respectively.  Go to 


and send email to 

dgrecolcsw@gmail.com for more info and to register.

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Spend time with your partner at the Paint Place - NEW interactive art studio on the Upper West Side of Manhattan

 The Paint Place

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Conscious Coupling | 536 west 111th street | Suite #5 | New York | NY | 10025

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