Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Younger Partner: Is this ok?


What to Expect When Dating Someone Much Older/Younger

Whether you are a woman or a man, there are a few things you can expect right off the back when dating someone with a significant age gap. Here's a view from both perspectives and important to know when #ConsciousCoupling.

If Your Partner is Older

When there are 5, 10, or maybe even more years between you and your partner (and they are the older one), they may sometimes come across as condescending.  This isn't because they think they know everything. It's more because they may have been through a lot more relationships than you, and can probably see many bad things that may come before any negative occurrences happen.

This is especially true when, say, one person is in their thirties and the other is in their early to mid-twenties. It may not seem like a big gap as far as numbers go, but the way that people look at life when they turn thirty years old makes them very verbal about their likes, what they don't like, and how things overall could flow better, more peacefully and/or more logically in the relationship.  When #ConsciousCoupling, be aware of the differences.

If You Have a Younger Partner

Let's use the same age group as an example again. Whoever is older has to realize that their younger partner will likely be more social, outgoing, and spontaneous. Not to say that they themselves aren't active and playful at times, but the older one may not want to play so much anymore. This person may be more focused on work, while the younger partner may want to stay out late many nights a week partying.

If you are older than your mate, expect to put a lot of time and energy into less serious things, maybe some motions that you may have already been there and done (clubbing, etc.). You might have gotten these activities somewhat out of your system already, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy them with your girlfriend or boyfriend. It just means you know how to not overdo them!

Don't rationalize everything and be aware of your partner when #ConsciousCoupling.




Conscious Coupling is about helping people become aware of their differences by using "Root Cause Analysis".  Dana and Don have seen many cases and have determined and proved why people fall and slip onto the path of divorce.  Conscious Coupling averts the disaster before it's too late. 


Beginning this October, ConsciousCoupling will offer a couples' support group in Wantagh and Manhattan. Go to

www.consciouscouplingservices.com and send an email to dgrecolcsw@gmail.com for more info and to sign up.   


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The Support Groups have started on Tuesday and Friday nights in Manhattan and Wantagh, respectively.  Go to 


and send email to 

dgrecolcsw@gmail.com for more info and to register.

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